Volunteer Opportunities

The Huntington Seacliff PTA sponsors and plans in a wide range of exciting programs and activities for our Sea Stars throughout the school year. To successfully run these programs, we depend on the support of volunteers. We encourage parents, relatives, and friends to join our Seacliff Volunteers team. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, learn more about your child’s school, and demonstrate your care and commitment to your child's education.


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time;

they have the heart.”

Elizabeth Andrew





General Help: Not ready to volunteer for a specific activity? General Help may be for you! Volunteers are needed to assist with various tasks throughout the year, and we will contact you when opportunities arise. Some activities may include Red Ribbon Week, skate parties, staff appreciation, and more.


Yearbook Photos: This is perfect for those who are good at photography. We use our phones for photos, so no special camera is needed—just your confidence in getting kids to smile for you. Photos are needed for all school-sponsored events. Additionally, you will be asked to take photos at specific school-sponsored events and inside the classroom.


Fall Festival: This event is a family carnival with games, harvest-themed activities, music, food, and more! Many volunteers are needed for the successful execution of this fun Seacliff Elementary community outreach event, which is fully funded by our PTA. Volunteers are needed for day-of setup, running booths, and take-down.


Red Ribbon Week: A week dedicated to raising awareness and promoting a happy and healthy lifestyle to help students reach their full potential. Volunteers are needed to hang red ribbons around the school grounds on the morning of Monday, 10/23.


Elf on the Lawn: This is a festive yearly tradition! In December, Mr. A the Elf moves around to different Seacliff families' front yards. We are looking for enthusiastic helpers to ensure Mr. Elf arrives at the right locations. Evening drivers are needed to assist with this festive project—this is a fun activity to do with your family!


Run Club / Kids Run the OC: Get involved in this family fun day that incorporates health, fitness, and fun! We meet once a week with our school's coach and then run the final mile of our marathon at Kids Run the OC on May 3, 2025. Volunteers are needed to assist with weekly practices.


Book Fair: The MPR is transformed into a wonderland of imagination, giving students the opportunity to purchase books and other items. Volunteers are needed to help with setup on 1/30 and takedown on 2/7. Additionally, volunteers are needed to assist students with checkout during the event.


Read + Reuse Market: Donated books, games, and some spirit wear are available for purchase for around $1. Volunteers are needed weeks prior to sort the books and items. Additionally, help is needed to assist students, manage checkout, and tidy up during the event days.


Spring Gala: Our biggest fundraiser of the year needs your creativity and enthusiasm! Many volunteers are needed to make this exciting evening a huge success. We need people to help procure items for the auction, track data, build the gala website, design promotional materials (for signage, flyers, etc.), and assist with event setup and takedown, as well as work during the event.


Field Days: This event is held during the last week of school in June and involves fun and physical exercise for all students as they rotate through a variety of fitness-related activities.


Skate Party: The PTA hosts five skate parties each school year at Fountain Valley Skate Center. This event is fun for all grades at our school. Occasionally, we need volunteers to track attendees from each classroom with a sign-in sheet, collect tickets for door prize drawings, and hand out door prizes.



Volunteer Team Leads:

Callie Holdridge (VP Volunteers)

& Lindsay Kimmes (Deputy of Volunteers)









Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.



Support Seacliff PTA